Environmental Consulting
HPM professionals provide environmental consulting services and advise our clients at the onset of the challenges and opportunities on their projects. We navigate regulatory requirements and site constraints on our clients’ projects in order to stay on schedule, within budget and mitigate cost and impacts for both routine and complex projects. Our environmental consultants are here to advise on pre-development through closeout phases.
- Preliminary Site Assessments
- Environmental Resource Desktop Review
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
- Environmental Constraints Analyses
- Forest Stand Delineations, Tree Conservation Plans & Landscape Plans
- Arborist Monitoring and Consultation
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and NPDES Permitting & Monitoring
- Construction Monitoring & Oversight for Environmental Compliance
- Wetland Delineation and Jurisdictional Determinations
- Wetland/Waters of the U.S. Permitting (Section 401/404) and Compliance Requirements
- Threatened and Endangered Species Reviews and Habitat Assessments
- County-Specific Environmental Deliverables